Questions and Answers: Work with Julee

Who is Julee?

Julee Portner, a multi credentialed, skilled and experienced integrative, holistic and functional professional supporting, babies and their parents, families, children, caregivers and health care providers struggling to care for themselves or loved ones with eating, feeding, swallowing or communication questions needs, struggles, delays or disorders.

Julee helps patients figure out their best cures and management during the quick changing growth of children and the fast paced needs of our modern lifestyles.

When a consult form located throughout the website is submitted; you will receive an email with all the details of how to schedule with a description of current best offerings.

How can I arrange to schedule a consult?

Complete a consult form and we will get back to you with information about how to schedule based on which services and supports are offered at the time of your submission.

Julee understands that every individual has unique needs and preferences when it comes to receiving support. A range of visit formats are offered catering to different lifestyles and situations. Whether you prefer the comfort of your home, the convenience of a workplace visit, or even the flexibility of a virtual consultation.

Options with various day, evening, night and weekend openings.

The goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to access the support you need, whenever and wherever you need it.

How can I contact Julee?

To reach out to Julee Portner, kindly complete the inquiry form and look out for an email or text with all the details, current ways to work with her and a link to schedule your visit.

What are the fees for these services?

Visit fees vary depending on the type of service as well as the frequency and duration of visits.

Rates are agreed upon at the time of booking.

A “Good Faith Estimate” which explains how much medical care will cost prior to initiation of services, will be provided.

Health insurance may cover full or partial services.

Once your form is submitted, information about services and supports currently offered, current fee schedule, types of visits and how to book a session will be offered.

If the type of care requested can be covered by insurance, details will be sent.

Information about private pay rates and Superbills will also be provided.

Julee does her best to see anyone who seeks her care.

If she is unable to accommodate your need she will refer you to a trusted care partner.

Every visit begins with a consult.

Want a home visit?- Please request this when submitting your form.

Home visits, outer island and travel to you is possible.

Treatment recommendations, fees and plans will be discussed when scheduling.

Recommendations for continued care based on goals, findings and needs.

What is a “Good Faith Estimate”?

As a health care provider, it is required by law under the No Surprises Act to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance (self paying) an estimate of the bill for services provided.

• You have the right to receive and request, a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services, including related costs such as medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

• Health providers are obligated to provide a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least one (1) business day before the medical service or item, if the service is scheduled at least three (3) days in advance.

• If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.

• Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call (800) 985-3059.

Where is Julee's Office and where is therapy provided?

Office visits:

Diamond Head and Kaneohe, Hawaii.

Kaneohe Wellness Space.

Your Home, office and/or pool!

School, park, grandparent house.

Wherever the meal or activity is taking place.

Eating food and communication happens everywhere!

What is going on for you?

What is your need and how can we solve the issue quickly and in ways that make the most sense for you?

Visit type, location and techniques will be chosen based on your best benefit.

Virtual visits: Worldwide.

Home visits, Outer island and travel to you.

Offering custom arrangements.

My child was evaluated by another provider, can we still be seen by Julee?

Yes! It can be common for families to have a consult for second opinions. Sometimes parents are looking for expanded and ongoing support. Every session is a mini evaluation, your child and situation is checked out and addressed based on what is seen now and expected upcoming. Kids grow and change so fast. Your plan is an important starting point; where your story to better begins. Each session and step builds on the next. It is Julee's pleasure to have fun with patients and families creatively exploring a mix of evidence based techniques and ways to help their situation; while also helping achieve their optimal.