Integrative Holistic and Functional Care

For Babies, Children and Their Parents

Whole nourishment for a lifetime

Feeding Babies

Tongue & Lip Ties?

Milk Management


Mouth Moves ™

Therapeutic Touch + Massage

Whole Person Care

Mind Body Spirit

Lifetime Wellbeing

Are you looking for help navigating the complexities of baby feeding and development?

Want to be sure what you are doing is as right as possible for you, your baby and family?

Hi! I’m Julee, I guide and support families, ending feeding struggles and guiding towards optimal development and wellbeing.

I'm your go-to expert supporting healthy and happy babies and families, particularly when there are troubles with eating or growing.

Help is here for baby times to go smoothly with less stress, no matter what is problematic.

By blending scientific approaches, proven methods and timeless wisdom I create and help you tailor make and implement best supports. Creating tailor made blends of evidence-based techniques and real-life remedies supporting each family and their unique needs.

Do you have questions, concerns or just want to get checked out?

Interested in developing a plan with your specifics vs. following some standard checklist?

Looking to do feeding differently this time?

Don't wait and wonder, find out what's true and right for you now!

Avoid problems and hassles by getting help early.

By addressing feeding challenges early on, the stage is set for

your child's thriving development.

We focus on early intervention and prevention leading to a

happier, healthier babyhood, childhood and parenthood.

Good feeding isn't one size fits all.

Why Choose These Services?

As a seasoned feeding, communication and development therapist, coach, and consultant; my mission is to simplify your baby care journey, providing clear, practical solutions tailored to your family's unique needs.

Stop wondering about Growth and Development: Address feeding and growth questions, concerns and challenges. Some things people consult for are breast, bottle or any feeding question, challenge or refusal, tongue, lip or mouth differences, tense and tight babies, NICU grads, Dysphagia, uncertainties about introducing solids, weaning, or teething. From typical to complex conditions; I'm here to support your specific needs.

Resolve Confusion and Challenges with Feeding, Sleeping and Digestion!

Help to dispel myths to be sure about what is really going on for you and your baby.

Are the standard answers and suggested steps not really working for you?

The specific guidance from our sessions offer tips, tools and techniques that make sense; for you.

Really tackle these troubles once and for all!

Beyond Standard Solutions:

Do doubts linger despite being told everything's "normal"?

Let's explore what normal means for you and your child.

Our sessions include fun treatments and developmental activities enhancing baby's growth and family well-being.

Gain confidence and mastery in reading and responding to your baby's unique signals and cues.

Learn to communicate with your baby beyond "the rules".

A Unique Approach:

Customized Consultations: Share your challenges, get assessed, try out various solutions. Understand your specifics, be clear on the what's and why's.

Come away with an easy to follow plan crafted just for you, plan for long lasting improvements.

Empowering Parents: Gain confidence and clarity in your baby’s feeding journey, eliminate doubts and uncertainties. Develop skills to ensure optimal nourishment and communication.

Family-Centric Solutions: Create adaptive plans fitting right into your family's lifestyle for happy, healthy outcomes and thriving families!

Proven Expertise and Experience: A 30-year career focused on feeding, communication and development for skillful guidance on your one-of-a-kind parenting path.

Integrative, Holistic and Functional Wellness: Aimed at enhancing the whole family's well-being. Sessions that make feeding, sleeping, growing and staying healthy easier and more enjoyable.

Proactive and Preventive Strategies: From before baby is born to mastering solids, making sessions real for you and your child. Optimal timing of intervention and prevention.

Ready to Start?

Feed your baby your way. Not what “they” say, which often is advice leading to stressful, confused and unnecessarily concerned and sleep deprived parents.

Feeding differences and struggles impact growth, sleep and wellbeing- for everyone!

Embark on a journey of healthful and joyful parenting.

Book your consultation and let’s craft a plan that perfect for you.

Discover peace of mind with expert guidance every step of the way.

See what patients are saying about working with Julee

Experience your best!

Simply submit this form, then check your email for details and a link to schedule.

Health provider and speaking engagement inquiry here

See you soon!

Eat well.

Speak well.

Sleep well.

Be well.